Kindergarten Art

Fall Texture Resist

Kindergarten students learned about colors associated with Fall. We talked about textures and created Visual Texture on their leaves. Then we used watercolor to paint over their crayons. Next they loved cutting their leaves apart and putting them back together!

Pattern Snow Carolers: 

Kindergarten students learned patterns. We talked extensively about AB patterns and ABBA patterns. I read the book What Snowmen Do at Night. We collaged our pieces together to create these wonderful winter carolers.

Eric Carle Butterflies: 

Kindergarten students learned the artist/author/illustrator, Eric Carle. We made paste papers and talked about symmetry to build these fun butterflies to display for everyone to see.

Fish Kites: 

Kindergarten students learned about ROY G. BIV and sorting colors of the rainbow in order. We added details with permenant makrers and construction paper. Kite tails were made with party streamers. Fish were stuffed with paper towel and stapled by me.

 Expressive Pumpkins: 

Kindergarten students made paste papers and played with adding textures. Students talked about expressions. They were able to make happy, sad, excited, angry, or scared pumpkins. We talked about how pumpkins grow on a vine and included a short book on pumpkins to read along the way. 

Umbrella Color Wheels:

Students learned about colors. We talked about Primary Colors and Secondary colors. We turned our color wheels into umbrellas and made thumbprint raindrops.

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